Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April's fools

Hello and welcome back to Lem's Gems for another exciting round of world travel, commentary and photos.  And all of it for free!  Now isn't that a bargain?  Why sure it is.  So it is April and what are we to expect during these early days of Spring?  I hope warnth and sunshine.  After a hard winter the body needs fresh vitamin D from our old friend the Sun.  The birds are back.. at first a few, a bird or two but now they fill the yard with song, all day long.  They wake me in the morning and then put to sleep at night as I hear them (the birds) nesting in the tree outside out bedroom.  We've done a children's book on identifying backyard birds.  This is for out grandson Henry and of course his brother Ben.  The boys are getting into bird watching.. not a bad thing for little kids.  Anita has bought two plush bird toys that make the birds' natural songs.. the chicakadee and the golden finch (yellow if you like).  It's a treat to listen to birds in the yard and be able to identify the birds, plus it is also a treat to identify the flight patterns of certain birds.. the swooping of the finches, the circling of a hawk.  Our backyard hawk has been noticeably absent of late.  I think I saw him once before a big storm.  Usually he flies in, sits in a tree and watches the other birds at the feeders.  Since the hawk is such an able hunter, he never descends to the feeders.  He just shows up to make his presence known.  Good for him!
Today is cloudy and cool.. but not cold.  Every now and then a shower will start but nothing to speak of in the way of rain. For today and all the days of our lives, let us pray for guidance and hope for the best.  Now that the world is entirely new and almost boundless, every day is a new day.  Be well my friends.

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