Thursday, January 16, 2014

Gratitude 2

My original intent of expressing gratitude in blogs presents a problem and that problem is that the format constricts sentence variety.  It becomes a simplistic subject, linking verb and predicate adjective or preposition. Stylistic constraint at its worst which should be something for which I am grateful.  On the other hand, I might revert to enumeration and list those things for which I am grateful with numerbers.  Not much room for creativity, humor or serious reflection.
Precision.  One other difficulty is verb selection.  One may be grateful for silence, health, a spouse, a life style.  Tiresome.  Happy.. Now I might employ that.  I am happy to be retired but happy is too weak a verb to express my gratitude.  Ecstatic comes much closer to my state of being.  Alas I must conclude that a gratitude blog gives small room for the intent of my original blog.  Quite honestly several of my original blogs were quite good, almost brilliant, funny and journalistic.  It would be a shame to deviate from my original program.  I am left with the conclusion that I must abandoned this blog of gratitude and return to my former intent.  Never fear dear reader (and there is only one) I shall return.

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