Sunday, June 30, 2013

So you think you can

I've had with all these shows that begin with the words 'So you think you can." So, I've developed a list of "So you think you can " postulates.

So you think you can get a job- really, where? doing what and for how long?

So you think you have freedom of speech? You're free to say what the system has programed you to say.

So you think you can stand on a street corner and rant and rave about the insanity of this world? Scream loud enough and you'll be put into a mental hospital.

So you think that you're not crazy? That's the first symptom. They've got you now.

So you think you have a chance? Do you really think you have a chance? Fat chance- Oops. politically incorrect. Slim chance- wait- how can those two have the same meaning? I'll have to think about it.

So you think you can't deal with this crazy world without a drug, a crutch , an escape?

So you think that if you start using drugs you'll be able to cope better?

So you think that you can get away with it?

So you think that you can't get arrested and sent to jail, but you do.

So you think that you are innocent until proven guilty?

Then why do you get arrested and go directly to jail before your trial?

So you think you can get a fair trial by a jury of your peers?

How many drug using jurors will there be to judge you?

So you think you can be rehabilitated, get out of jail and get a job? See the first entry.

So you think you can get an education, graduate and earn a degree.

So you think you can think.


  1. I think therefore I am thinking, or is it I am therefore I am thinking. No, I think therefore I think I am.
