Saturday, June 22, 2013

Futility and then fun.

Nothing from Websters on this ,just a joke at my own expense.  I took apart my CharBroil Grill today and cleaned it. Several hours in the hot sun disassembling and cleaning for a nice grilled burger.  The darn thing looked good too.. too darn good.  Late in the day, after the sunburn and the aching muscles, I discovered.. it was all just futility.. there was no propane in the tank.  The one thing I always do, I didn't do.. that is turn the darn thing off last summer. So it sat, under a cover, strapped to the deck so it would not blow away and it slowly fizzled.  Yes, I said strapped to the deck.  One year the wind blew so fiercely from the West that the grill actually rolled from one end of the deck to the other with (at that time) a full tank of propane.  I have adopted a new outlook on life.. instead of being ticked, a shrugged it off. I'll fill it on Monday and we'll barbecue chicken.  Shucks no big deal. But I did work my butt off for two hours, a very good thing because I've promised myself to stop napping and start cracking.  I took a break and a shower.. it was a blazing hot sun and an hour later I walked a mile. Yesterday it took 25 minutes.. today, even after all the work, it took 22!  I made sure to drink lots and lots of fluids.  My urologist ordered me to drink 6 glasses of anything I want every day, coffee, cola, water, beer.  I'm sticking to as much water as possible.

Then we watched The Other Boleyn Sister. A very pretty movie about a very nasty bit of business.  I can't say I liked it but I did learn a great deal. Which brings me back to my keyboard for another round in the diminishingly interesting blogs called Lem's Gems.
Bet the gentle reader ( or 2) doesn't sense a significant change in my mood and manner. But it has happened!  Hallelujah etc. etc. . I was reunited with my Lord God on the day before the Summer Solstice and am at peace with many things in my life.  I say in my life beause it's the only one I have and I've too often allowed things and people to stand before my own well-being and family.  Lord be praised.. what I sought 44 years ago was stabillity and a family.. I have them both now!  All thanks to God and my wife.. a Titan of a woman.  She is my foundation and rock on this Earth, brought to me in my darkest hours by the Will of God.  There is no better person, no better woman than my wife.  She is not a saint but she is and was a my comfort and salvation all the days we have been together.  Who else would have endured such a wretch and bore.. a liar, thief, druggie, alcoholic and general jack-ass jerk?  Rhetorical of course.  To be so loved is an honor and a miracle.  Few men have known a woman of her bearing and been loved by such a woman.  Futillity, then fun.. my life in a phrase but not as an ending.

For tonight June 22, 2013 it is enough to say, good night!

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