Monday, June 24, 2013

I've got cancer

There's a title post meant to catch the reader's eye.  Most of my readers ( the three or four) already know that I have cancer and have had it for over a year and have been receive treatmetns and procedures that will number 15 after tomorrow.  Yes thomorrow is my 15 different visit for this cancer.  It will be the third operation-procedure.. Add to that 12 bcg-interfuron and 3 cystoscopic procedures and the reader may deduce it's been a tough year.  But that's not all. In my spare time I've had 24 dental appointments at the U of MD Dental School. Some of the appointments were not so bad - others rather awful  I've had bone grafts, extractions, implants and finally the worst of them all a grinding of the bone graft and upper jaw bone into a smooth service.  When the pain killers wore off that pain was comparable to most anything I've known.. from a gall bladder that nearly burst, to several kidney stones and for a time cluster migraines. So I know my way around pain and procedure.  Lord have mercy!  But for some reason this next procedure set for 1 p.m. tomorrow afternoon has wrought havoc on my nerves. I've not been this upset or frightened because I have been working on being more healthy, more active and less destructive to my own bladder. IN short I've tried to clean up my act and give up thins that weren't necessarily the cause but certainly weren't helping.. and it has been tough. First I've not been able to treat my pain with anything but tylenol which after 2 years of monthly prescriptions for serious pain medication.. vicoden, hydrocodone and so on with regular use of Ultram.. the last week has been a diffcult weaning.  Ultram dear readers is an addictive drug.. take from me.  That;s the bad news.. the good news in ibuprophen is as effective and not addictive, but alas I have not been allowed to take it either.  I am anxious to distraction.. I have to having nothing after 7 a.m. and my procedure is set for 1.. that's a long time for a person with bladder problems to be without water. I always prefer the early morning procedures.. but I am resolute.. I will arise a 5, have coffee and scraml bled eggs and go back to bed until 11 or 12.
There's isn't much more to say but good night, Wish me well.

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