Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I'm back.

Readers and others, I'm back.  Myt last post was probably a year ago and what a year.  In the last year, I've had 2 surgeries for bladder cancer and 12 follow-up treatments.  I also had as many as 14 dental appointments usually once a month. Some of the dental treatments were not painful, some very much so.  Unaware that there was a problem I took a job as a softball coach. I had passed blood in my urine and the day before the first practice I had my first bladder surgery.  Shoot there's much more to this than I've said.  Well here it comes.
On the date of my first bladder surgery I woke with a migraine!  Yeah just what I'd hoped for more pain.  I did not use my migraine medicine. Rather I called the hospital and asked if it would be ok to take Imitrex before a surgery.  I was told not to the Imitrex, that I'd be given something before the surgery and boy was I.  While being prepped for the surgery, a dose of dilaudid was added to the fluids that were being pumped into my body,  Whew.. when the diludid hit I went into a spin.  I've never experienced anything like that. But here I add that the dilaudid didn't affect the headache except make it hurt less.  Then off I went to surgery.  I think they gave me propinal.. I hope that's right... the drug that killed Michael Jackson.  What an experience. When I woke from the surgery a nurse handed me a hydrocodone.. Whatever propinal is it gave me the best most satisfying sleep I've ever had.  I woke from the surgery rested and hopeful that the cancer had been excised.  What followed was 6 consecutive weekly visits with bcg treatments.  BCG is a form of  tubeculosis which is supposed to stimulate the immune system to kill the cancer on its own. Unfortunately after 6 weeks another growth was discovered so a second surgery was required.  This time I had no headache and no dilaudid.. no problem.. I didn't really want the mix of three drugs to greet me when I woke.  The second surgery completed I had to undergo another 6 weeks of immune system therapy.  In the second series of treatments interfuron was added.  The interfuron had the unpleasant affect of making me tired all the time.  Then of course another cystoscopy was done and after the second 6 weeks of treatment.  I had another cystoscopy about two months ago and sorry to say there are a few splotches of cells that the urologist wants to excise.. this will happen on June 25, yes my friends a third bladder surgery.  I was relating this story to several fellows yesterday and they asked how the urologist gets into the bladder to remove growths or find new ones.  Bladder cancer is classified as a 'nuisance' cancer, seldom fatal unless the bladder wall has shrunk and the cancer can find its way to other places.  So far lucky on that count.. my bladder wall is relatively healthy. Something to cheer about.
Meanwhile back at the ranch I missed 80-90% of the regular season.  Slowly, gradually my bladder began to heal and I felt better.  All of this had initially caused me to lose weight and was I ever.  I think I bottomed out a 172.. and for a man 6-1 that is thin.  I was losing weight, had no energy and peeing blood, what a trio.  Once the first surgery was completed and before the bcg-interfuron I did attend one weekend of softball on March 2 and 3.  It was 38 degrees and snowing.  I sat next to a kerosene heater in the dugout and tried to keep the book.  But I hadn't brought my glasses so the book ended up being a mess, add to that, our opponenets were used the DP.. or designated player. In this area I had no experinece. Well not exactly.  The DP hits for another player but may also enter the game.  So, keeping the book that weekend didn't work.  My head coach must have wondered why he ever hired me!  But being a gracious man, he said that I was just like a player who was on the injury list I was still part of the team and that my priority was my health. Advice I followed closely.. as I healed a bit I began to put weigh on.. I went from 172 to 197 in three months but all my muscle tissue began to grow flabby.  Now, finally after 2 surgeries and 12 treatments I am gaining weight.  I'm still tired and tire easily.
During all of this I was also undergoing a massive reconstruction of my mouth with dental implants, bone grafts, extractions blah, blah, blah.  Some of the dental treatments were excruciating.. especially the bone graft surgery a year after the bone graft.  The dental surgeon opened the upper molar gum where the implant was placed.  Then, the return of the Inqusition.  The dentist had to smooth out the mandible and noe graft by grinding down some fo the graft and jaw bone.  When the pain block word off, I experienced the worst burst of pain I've ever had and this from a man who has passed kidney stones and suffered from migraines. I don't think that the mandible (jaw bone) was ever meant to be shaved and ground.  During all this I was prescribed vicoden, hydrocodone, Tylenol 3's by the dental school and the urologist.. so I was on a heavy diet of pain reliever drugs, eating like a horse and gaining weight.  So it was a week or two on a narcotic and a week or two off.  As a result as anyone who has ever taken hard drugs knows, constipation followed.  I was as I often said,
suffering from occasional regularity.  From an old friend I learned that one should take milk of magnesia when taking heavy narcotics.  I passed this onto my dentist who thanked me.. as I suggested that my dentist clue future patients to the binding effects of narcotics.  Well I helped the dental school by being a guinea pig of sorts.  I called myself the walking cadaver, pin cushion, professional patient and several other choice nicknames.  But here's a jolt for you. When I first started on the procedures my dentist did not do a good job of putting needles in the gums.  In the last few appointments I've noticed that she has gotten much better at inserting a needle.  Well, I did something to advance medicine or dentistry and now have a Hollywood smile.  OK, reader had enough? I have.  See you tomorrow.

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