Thursday, October 29, 2009

It takes an effort, a substantial, engrossing energy to write and often I'd rather not for fear of having nothing to say and doing that. One may go for the fable, wrapped in myth, showered by poetic images, add heroes, horses, houses rising and falling. Then, there's the real problem- what the heck to say, how to say it, say it, revise it and put it out for show. I can start with something I now realize: not being able to write in cursive is an obstacle to composition for many people. . Instruction in cursive emphasized sentences. capitals, periods, and in so doing was an important element in better writing. I noticed over the years that the failure to organize sentences and use of capitals became more and more obvious, wide-spread and were worth the time to consider what factors were at work. The experts had written off handwriting instruction because of spelling and grammar checks in word programs. The lock and key effect characterizes handwriting in that composing by hand gave one practice in the use of capitals, periods and other mechanics. Looking back it was just those kinds of errors that made high school compositions so poor.
Granted, handwriting in and of itself isn't the whole truth, but is links up very nicely. But, one may offer that many people are currently writing online who never really wrote anything out long-hand. I don't think we did the best for students by not teaching handwriting. So what, some may say. And they are probably more correct than I am. Readers and writers are all usually self-taught. Thus the more you know about the language, the better you write and read.

I feel lucky to have been a teacher. As jobs go, it was a very rewarding profession. Most of my remembrances are pleasant and many of the things I taught were a great education for me. To write, one must write; those who can't, don't; and many of those who can, don't. It's such a difficult task to say something, to tell a story, relate an experience, thus when a person who hasn't learned to write, to think of things in organized ways is faced with the task; he cringes.

Having had nothing to say this evening, I feel satisfied with what I have written, for I didn't have a specific goal in mind, a fixed method of delivery. All I can say is I expressed an opinion that has little support in modern education. There are few fixed laws about language and its use. This area interests me and I often give time to considering how people communicate. Too tired to bore, any more. Good night.

Friday, October 2, 2009

October 2009

Began a blog three days ago but let it sit. Not much to say about the world, its denizens, machines, people. Had it in mind to start promptly on October 1st. Well the 2nd is just as useful as the 1st.
First there is the matter of the day- what mattered, which is usually nothing; sometimes very tiresome and difficult; and even less of the time something memorable, satisfying or practical.
So this October 2nd 2009 was not an abnormal day. The weather moderated; it didn't seem so cold and later in the day a warm front pushed in and brought us rain. We were out most of the day even though it was Friday and a busy day now that people are working four day weeks. Yet none of the stores seemed rushed. The traffic was not maddening, not particularly heavy. Of course it's always heavy- traffic that is- because it's cars, trucks....
Have begun The Brothers Kamarazov for the third time and taking it slowly, getting to know the characters. Think I'll take until Christmas to read Kamarazov and then read Crime and Punishment. Doestoevski creates substantial characters, endows them with flaws and goodness and exposes them to a situation, an event. In so doing the characters come to life- Nikolai the disagreeable drunken sot lost in self-loathing and surviving on his loathsomeness. Alexy simple but complete. The one special character. And then the' elder'...

More about the book tomorrow. Yesterday was terrible, headache from the time I woke, magnified by going to the movie theater and the double decker head ache- front and right sides of forehead, drifting down to the eye and cheek bone. Eventually the tenderness, pain, discomfort, recognition of a migraine came over me. It was a time for serious medication: flexeril, lorazepam, Ultram and Ambien to the rescue. Ultimately I took Imitrex, put cold packs on my head and neck as I laid in a hot bath, chewed and sucked on a popcicles which really helped, drank a coke and had a honey bun and the head ache dissipated. I topped off the mini-stroke with a burst of caffeine and sugar. Gotta love it when it's gone. It was gone. I was gone to sleep that is, perchance to dream, Aye there's the rub. When I woke my tongue felt dried and hard. Had a glass of water at 4 a.m.. and then went back to sleep until 9. We've begun sleeping in more and with cold weather coming on we are beginning to hibernate.

Got something in the blog. If the reader will forgive me a short humble entry after a busy day, I promise the following ( few though ye be): a blog of humor, insight, and hopefully delight.
Good night.