Wednesday, May 21, 2014

TURP Good news and Better new

So the ordeal of TURP surgery is nearly over.  Transurethal Resectioning of the Prostate is the medical term.  Roto Rooter surgery is the street term and the one that most describes it.  But first the good news and the better news.  First I have no cancer cells in my bladder and second I don't have prostate cancer.  This doesn't mean the bladder cancer is gone for good but that as of now, it has been eliminated.  Of course periodic cystoscopic checks will be needed.  As to the TURP well that was done about 3 weeks ago and today I thought all the post surgical pain was gone.  It was until about half hour ago but it's not so bad that I need to call the dr. for a refill of oxycontin.. had enough of that stuff for a lifetime though it does make one feel warm and fuzzy.  For now it's pyridium a nasty urethal anelgesic that turns the urine orange.. bright orange to red.
What this damn TURP surgery accomplished was it forced us to cancel our long-awaited trip to London and Wales,  The doctor or his nurse was fairly emphatic that should the worst happen I'd end up in a foreign country will a prostate that was bleeding and that no on would have my medical records or know how to proceed.  So far that hasn't happened but not to say it wouldn't have.  Then there was the problem that being in recovery from surgery I might not enjoy the trip as much.  There was always the option of allowing Anita to go alone but she wouldn't hear of it.  Yesterday I was glad we hadn't gone.. I slept all all day and the ache was there through it all. Until a short time ago I was terrific and ok but now I am getting some pain vibes.  The codeine is all gone.. so I'll see how the night goes.
The worst part of this was missing the trip to London.  Well the second worst part.  The worst part was two bouts of AUR, Acute Urinary Retention.. when the uretha is unable to allow water to pass from the bladder and out because the prostate is swollen and choking off the uretha.  First there is the fear, followed by drops of blood, then the bladder goes into spasm as it fill and expects to be emptied.  The pain i gruesome.. Spanish Inquisition style pain, kidney stone pain.  Finally the bladder is drained after a tube is inserted.  Once the bladder was emptied I fellt better than I've ever felt.  The relief was ecstasy.  Opps.. my bladder is giving me twinges.. I have to see it I can void.  That's the other scary part.  Even afetr a few weeks, I'm not sure that when I try to void I'll be able to void.  It almost makes me avoid voiding.  Pun.
None of this has been fun.  I guess the best part is that readers, if there are any left, will no longer have to put up with my whining Cancer Journal by the day.  It wasn't fun and neither was what followed.  But I am back.. I feel ok and soon I'll be doing the things I usually do which is usually nothing.  On the good side I have been reading and missing the trip to London did allow us to watch the Preakness.. bfd. I'll take London and Wales, Oh yeah and I also missed my 50th high school class reunion. What more is there to live for?  My grandsons.
Gotta go Supper is ready.