Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tax the shit out of everybody.

Taxes. It's all about taxes. So why not tax what people defecate, discard, consume. Charge per fecal unit and volume of urine , charge for paper, water, wearing of the devices. Charge the shit out of eveybody and soon, there will be no shit to tax.
But by all means tax the shits. Figure it this way.. this idea is grounded on a theory that is in opposition to the Wall Street. If we can't stop them, then let's tax them, they (the 1%) want more of the pie which they ain't likely to get. Begin taxing Occcupiers, who by all means should be arrested for numerous health and sewage problems caused by so many, living so closely for so long. But why stop there. We must able to find data detailing the amount of sewage the average person produces then tax them on it the insouble solution. By taxing each according to the amount of fecal matter one eliminates and volume of urine passed we can reach a fair way to tax the citizens of this great country. . We have the data. We know what you throw away, what you eat, how you love, how the inside of your head works just from the things it throws away. For after all isn't what we throw away or dispose something we chose to eat or own. We consume and then discard in both senses. We eat and excrete simple. Therefore he who eats less should excrete less this being perhaps due to the social advantage of having less money to buy more food. Carbon foot printing adherents must have certifiable data in support of their computation. He who earns more must necessarily consume more, use more fuel, discard more uneaten expensive food, and use more electricity and water. The cost per unit of defecation can be adjudged as to its content and amount.. or weight and volume. What's in the fecal matter will necessarily reflect a higher life style. In shor,t tax the shit out of everybody. Higher taxes on utilties will ironically will not be noticed and more profit may be taken each according to use... in other words is 'green' is by by taking peoples' green. But what if the green runs out, the government can't print it any more? Oops that's a stinky problem I wouldn't want to touch on here.
Think of it, a truly fair and proportionaly-based tax... hike car registration a dubious but frequent occurance, gasoline each at the Fair Value Tax say 15%.. tax me on what I use.. not just so that the government has enough money to run, be it ever so enormous, and so that it can continue growing more so by the second . One must needs only to look forward to see the almost endless vehicles to use in taking more taxes from everyone, but proportionately of course. I mean if you drive a 2012 Chevy twin axle then you paying more than the postal clerks 12 year old second-hand clunker. Shoot to be fair, the poor bastard needs to have a new truck too. "He's spending lots of time and money on keeping it going and why should be, just because he can't afford it!" The 6,3 Mercedes AMG says all a car needs to say. If you want to buy anything above that, expect high taxes, chaufferred vehicles will be taxed, as will rleased vehicles. For course most of these services, possessions and patterns of consumption and sloughing off will necessarily be a tremendous source of balance in the conutry's economy. Think of it old fellow, we're entering a new world, like the Pilgrims did, inventing our own ethos, our own needs, our own methods of paying the piper. Above that, gouge them with prohibitive taxes. But you may ask, doesn't the guy with the Benz have to help pay so that Chevy can make a profit to pay the workers who are on the line. Everybody is buying and sellin something, eating something and then defecating, les's tax 'em for all of it.: shit, pisee, farts. We could have an annual fart tax calculated on diet and fecal prodcution. So what do you think a fart is worth on the open market.